Our Three Peaks Challenge


We're doing the Three Peaks Challenge for BEWT because of their vital research into SaH



On 7th May 2020, our dear friend Billie Wood, aged 25, suffered a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (SaH). After fighting for 6 days in ITU, she suffered from what’s known as a ‘Vasospasm’ which caused a stroke. Billie tragically died on 13th May 2020.

Billie was fit and healthy with no pre-existing conditions. There were no warning signs.

In the darkest circumstances and most heartbreaking of times, Billie's family has decided to help others and set up a trust in her name, The Billie Elizabeth Wood Trust (BEWT). Subarachnoid Haemorrhages are sadly under-researched and BEWT has one mission: to fund vital research into the trauma that led to Billie’s tragic death and to prevent this from happening to others.

We have since learnt that SaH affects a significant number of otherwise healthy people every year, with a startling skew towards young women. BEWT has been established with the goal of preventing a tragedy like this from ever happening again. By examining exactly what happened to Billie, step by step, BEWT is working with the acclaimed Southmead Neurological Department in Bristol to generate world-leading research.

With your help, we believe we can shift the odds of survival in our favour. We believe that we can prevent the world from losing someone like Billie ever again. And our promise is to work with BEWT until this becomes a reality.

The Challenge

We are doing the National Three Peaks challenge, which means we will be climbing the three highest peaks of Scotland, England and Wales consecutively in roughly 24 hours.

On Monday 6th June 2022 we will begin our ascent of Ben Nevis, Scotland (1345m) before heading down to Scafell Pike, England (978m) and finishing with Snowdon, Wales (1085m). The total walking distance is 23 miles (37km), total ascent 3064 metres (10,052ft) and total driving distance 462 miles.

We are determined to be in high spirits with very little sleep, sore feet and achy legs, but what would REALLY keep us going would be your support. A big thank you from all of us in advance for any donation you are able to make, we and BEWT will be enormously grateful.

Lizzie, Toni, Rosie, Em & Haggie xx


Turner & Son - Bike from Bristol to Devon!


A Walk for Billie.