London Marathon

Bethan Thomas will complete the fmaous London Marathon in aid of BEWT

Bethan Thomas will complete the fmaous London Marathon in aid of BEWT



On the 3rd October 2021, I will be running the London Marathon to raise money to support the Billie Elizabeth Wood Trust (BEWT) - a charity set up by Billie's family in memory of their beautiful daughter and our wonderful friend, Billie Elizabeth Wood. 

On 7th May 2020, Billie suffered a Sub-Arachnoid Haemorrhage (SaH). After fighting for 6 days, Billie passed away on 13th May 2020. The Billie Elizabeth Wood Trust is raising money to fund research into the trauma that led to Billie's tragic death and prevent this from happening to others. 

Subarachnoid Haemorrhage is sadly under-researched, however appears to affect a significant number of otherwise healthy people every year, with a startling skew towards young women. 

I would be enormously grateful for any donation to help support this incredible charity. Not only will it help motivate me on the long training runs, but will contribute towards an amazing cause that I am proud to support. 

Thank you so much for your support, I am hugely appreciative. 

For more information into the amazing work that BEWT are doing, please visit: 


A Walk for Billie.


The Three Peaks Challenge